The individualized music that makes “connections” works well with moderate-severe Alzheimer’s disease and hospice. My definition of “connection” is not someone saying, “thank-you, I enjoyed the show.” My definition of connection is at a much deeper level. An experience, that is not easily, if ever, forgotten by the healthcare provider. At this point in time, I am grateful to say that I have made many unforgettable connections. Many times, someone who has regressed inside themself, and can no longer verbally communicate, will hear a song, and BOOM! They may stand-up and start singing, start singing and clapping, and/or singing and dancing. They really come alive! Many times, I will be performing and all of a sudden, the experience happens. To witness this is truly a miracle. I have witnessed this time after time after time. The staff and everyone is shocked, but with joy and happiness. To witness this kind of connection is truly unforgettable. Usually, this patient is the one you see that sits in a chair all day and never verbalizes. Or, they speak in a nonsensical manner. And sadly, many people walk past them on a regular basis because they do not verbalize. To make this kind of connection with someone who doesn’t communicate is a powerful feeling. Many times this connection is made without trying and can happen at any time. And, many times, when least expected. It is truly an amazingly powerful, life-changing experience.